The project activities :

  1. A 3 days training course were conducted for 22 lab technicians from targeted 12 HF’s on Risk of outbreaks (cholera and Diphtheria and COVID-19) & how proper handling and testing of different types.
  2. A 3 days training course were conducted for 60 health workers on infection prevention and health standard control (hygiene, infection control & how to dispose of medical waste).
  3. A 3 days training course were conducted for 20 administration and statisticians’ staff on reporting & data management control, of health facility.
  4. Two HF’s were equipped (Al-Gumah Health Center in Shara’b Al Salam as well as Al-sharman Health Unit in Mawia Districts with urgent needs of electricity power through Ultrasound, chemistry devise, and vaccines refrigerator).
  5. A 3 days training course were conducted for 48 Community Health Volunteer on health education concepts (e.g. communication skills, and general health concept).
  6. 2000 ICE materials were Prepared and distributed among targeted HFs


Taiz Gov.
Awareness Session
