The project activities :
- A 3 days training course were conducted for 22 lab technicians from targeted 12 HF’s on Risk of outbreaks (cholera and Diphtheria and COVID-19) & how proper handling and testing of different types.
- A 3 days training course were conducted for 60 health workers on infection prevention and health standard control (hygiene, infection control & how to dispose of medical waste).
- A 3 days training course were conducted for 20 administration and statisticians’ staff on reporting & data management control, of health facility.
- Two HF’s were equipped (Al-Gumah Health Center in Shara’b Al Salam as well as Al-sharman Health Unit in Mawia Districts with urgent needs of electricity power through Ultrasound, chemistry devise, and vaccines refrigerator).
- A 3 days training course were conducted for 48 Community Health Volunteer on health education concepts (e.g. communication skills, and general health concept).
- 2000 ICE materials were Prepared and distributed among targeted HFs